Python for Data Science Online Training
About This Course
Welcome to our Coursack’s Python for Data Science Online Training! In this course, we will be diving into two key libraries for data manipulation and analysis: NumPy and Pandas. NumPy is a fundamental package for scientific computing with Python, providing efficient operations on arrays and matrices. Pandas is a powerful library that offers data structures and data analysis tools for handling and manipulating large datasets. With these tools, you’ll be equipped to work with a wide range of data and perform advanced operations with ease. Whether you’re a data scientist, machine learning engineer, or just someone looking to expand your Python skills, this training is for you. So let’s get started on our journey into Python for Data Science Online Training with NumPy and Pandas! with Coursack
Skills covered in the training

Course Features

Live Classes
60 Hours of Interactive Instructor led Live sessions.

Coding Assignments
Coding Assignments after every topic for practice.

Daily Class Recordings
Daily class recordings are shared after every class.

FREE Demo Class
Register for FREE Demo class before enrollment.

1:1 Classes
1:1 Classes are charged on hourly basis.

Placement Assistance
Resume guidance & Interview preparation.

PYTHON for Data Science Training
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Learning Objectives
- Learn Python from Scratch
- Good Hands on Python Programming
- Learn Advanced Python Libraries like NumPy and Pandas
- Learn the Data Analysis Concepts
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Career Guidance Services
Start planning your career path with our experts guidance. Transform your career with our 1:1 mentor support.
Interview Guidance for Cracking Interviews!
Providing mentor support in guiding you in preparing you for the Interviews. We provide mock Interviews, Interview preparation material and support in cracking the Interview.
Global Placement Assistance Program
Providing placement Assistances for qualified and experienced professionals locally and as well as globally. Explore our global placement Assistance program! Contact for more details.

Course Syllabus
- Introduction to basic Programming
- Python evolution
- Python 2 vs Python 3
- Why Python?
- Setting up Python on – Windows, Mac and other Platforms
- Installing and setting up Jupiter notebook
- Python IDLE
- Programming basics
- Compiling and Interpreting
- Integer
- Float
- Complex
- Boolean
- String
- ‘type’ Method
- Variable Name Guidelines
- Variable assignment
- Print Statements
- ‘input’ Method
- Parsing Command Line Arguments
- Command Line Arguments with argv
- Comments
- DocString
- Formatting with Placeholders
- Formatting with Multiple Placeholders
- Formatting with .FORMAT() Method
- Alignment, Padding and Precision with .FORMAT()
- Arithmetic operators
- Assignment operators
- Conditional Operators – Logical and Comparison
- Membership operators
- Identity operators
- Bitwise operators
- Implicit Type Conversion
- Explicit Type Conversion
- Operators on Lists
- Indexing and Slicing of Lists
- List Methods
- Append vs Extend
- Nesting of Lists
- List Comprehension
- Lists using Random module
- Indexing and Slicing of Tuples
- Tuple Methods
- Creating Dictionaries
- Accessing Dictionary Data
- Nesting of Dictionaries
- Dictionary Methods
- Dictionary Comprehension
- Creation of Sets
- Set Methods
- If…else
- Multiple Branches
- While Loops
- FOR LoopsBreak, Continue and Pass Keywords
- Infinite Loops
- For loops using Range function
- For loops using enumerate function
- String basics
- Escape Sequences
- String Manipulations – Slicing, Indexing and ‘replace’ Method
- String Methods
- Regular Expression Syntax
- Searching for Patterns
- Split with Regular Expressions
- Finding All using Patterns
- Repetition Syntax
- Character sets
- Exclusion
- Character Range
- Escape Code
- Function Definition
- Programs using Functions
- Restricting input argument
- Function Variable
- Function Scope
- Nested functions
- Local and Non Local Variables
- Global Keyword
- Call by Value
- Call by Reference
- Different Function types
- Recursive functions
- Lambda expressions
- Map Function
- Filter
- Reduce
- Zip
- Enumerate
- All() and any()
- Complex
- Args and Kwargs
- Try & Except
- Finally
- Error types
- Module Basics
- Import
- Import vs from..import
- Writing Modules
- passing command line arguments
- Reloading modules
- Packages
- Installing External Modules
- Text File handling
- Text File operations
- Open, Read, Write, Append, Delete and Close methods
- With keyword using Files
- Redirecting stdout
- StringIO objects
- OOPs basics
- Object
- Classes
- Self keyword
- Attributes
- Methods
- Attributes types
- Class method and Static method
- property attribute
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstract class & Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- Special methods
- Method resolution order {MRO}
- Super()
- Decorators with python
- Generators with python
- Inner Functions
- Introduction to Database
- Introduction to SQLite
- Creating a SQLite Database
- Fetching Values from DB
- DB functions
- Cursor Functions
- DB Exception handling
- Date and Time
- OS Module
- JSON Module
- SYS Module
- Logging Module
- Math Module
- Random Module
- Counter
- OrderedDict
- Defaultdict
- Deque
- Namedtuple
- Array
- Del command
- Garbage collection
- Logging
- Introduction to NumPy
- Installation
- NumPy arrays vs Lists
- Creating 1-D, 2-D and 3-D NumPy arrays
- Indexing NumPy Arrays
- Iterating over NumPy Arrays
- Zeros and Ones of NumPy Array
- Arithmetic Operations on NumPy Arrays
- Matrix Multiplication
- Statistics using NumPy Array
- NumPy Methods
- Slicing of NumPy Array
- Conditions and Boolean Array
- Joining Arrays
- Splitting Arrays
- Structured Arrays
- Reading and Writing Array Data on Files
Pandas Data Structure
- Declaring Series
- Fetching Values and Indexes of Series
- Selecting Elements from Series
- Assigning Values to the Elements
- Defining Series from NumPy Arrays and Other Series
- Filtering Values
- Evaluating Data in Series
- NAN Values
- Series as Dictionaries
- Adding Two Series
- Creating Dataframe using Lists
- Column Labels
- Creating Dataframe using NumPy Array
- Creating Dataframe using Dictionary
- Loading CSV File as a Dataframe
- Changing the Index Column
- Examining the Data
- Statistical Summary
- Row and Column Slicing
- Boolean List
- Filtering Rows
- Adding and Deleting Rows and Columns
- Adding Columns
- Sorting values by Columns
- Exporting and Saving Pandas Dataframe
- Concatenating Data Frames
- Introduction To Matplotlib
- Plotting Line Plots
- Plotting Multiple Line Plots
- Plotting Histograms
- Plotting Bar Charts
- Plotting Pie Charts
- Plotting Scatter Plots
- Plotting Log Plots
- Plotting Polar Plots
- Handling Dates
- Multiple subplots
Frequently Asked Questions

All of our Training programs are Live Instructor led sessions conducted using the video conferencing tools like Zoom or Google Meet or any other meeting tool.
All our sessions are recorded and shared with the students after the session. If you misses the session we encourage to go through the video recording and we will be able to help you to solve your questions.
Yes. We provide course completion certificate at the end of the program. Based on the performance in the assessment we will the graded.
100% Training fee is returned if you opt out of the training with in first 3 classes. No money will be returned post 3 classes.
We provide materials for Interview preparations, help with resume building and mock interview sessions.
We provide job marketing through partnered consultants for USA candidates who are on EAD, H1B, OPT Visa and GC.
We accept payments from all currencies. We support RazorPay and PayPal for International Payments and UPI/Bank Transfer for Domestic payment (INR).
Target Audience
- Both IT and Non-IT people can enroll in this training.
