Frontend UI React Web Developer Training
About This Course
Welcome to the world of frontend UI React JS web development! As a frontend React JS UI web developer, you’ll be responsible for building the user interface (UI) of web applications using the React JavaScript library. To be an effective frontend React JS UI web developer, you should have a strong understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as experience with React and other frontend libraries and frameworks. With a strong foundation in frontend React JS UI web development, you’ll be well-equipped to create dynamic and engaging user experiences that drive business growth. Frontend UI React Web Developer Training with Coursack will train you to become web developer. We will teach everything from scratch including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, TypeScript and React JS.
Frontend UI REACT Web Developer Training
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Course Features

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Learning Objectives
- Laptop with Good Internet Connection
Target Audience
- Both IT and Non-IT freshers/Graduates are eligible
what is html
html elements and attributes
creating links
creating tables
creating forms
creating lists with its types
working with semantic elements
implementing the media objects like images, videos and audios
creating sample page structure
what is css, its usage in html
different ways of styles to content
understanding about colors, fonts usage
different types of properties
implementing custom styling: class and id
creating the sample blog page
understanding the usage of media queries
creating the sample page with responsive
implementing the flexbox
implementing the grid layout page
understanding bem usage
creating the sample project with html and css
what is bootstrap, its usage
understanding the different resolutions, layouts
implementing the fixed, fluid, and break layouts
creating the common layout
starting of components in bootstrap
creating the nice table design
implementing lists, list groups
understanding about forms: horizontal, inline, vertical
creating the form design with all the fields
creating forms with input groups
creating buttons, different styles and button groups
implementing images with text, alignment of images, and its styles
creating navigations, and responsive navigations
creating modal dialogs, tab based contents
understanding cards, implementing cards and its different styles
creating the sample shopping cart responsive webpage
what is JavaScript, features, advantages
different ways of usage with html, CSS
understanding about identifiers, keywords
displaying the data or value using JavaScript
understanding about console, dialog boxes and document
declaring variables using let, const, assigning values, accessing those values
implementing decision making statements
implementing loop statements
understanding about arrays
understanding the usage of functions
function calls and its definitions
reusability of functions
functions with passing parameters
return statement usage
implementing anonymous functions, call back functions
implementing arrow functions, nested functions and closures usage
understanding about DOM
dom selectors
event listeners
dom styling
getters and setters
dom manipulation
different built-in objects: window, screen, location, history
timers: setTimeout and setInterval
date and time, math operations
sorting of an arrays
understanding the concept of object, object literal
implementing the concept of json
creating objects
understanding about object oriented programming
creating class and object usage
capturing and bubbling phase
borrowing methods: apply, call and bind
use strict mode
error handling or exception handling
usage of regular expressions
validating fields with regular expressions
implementing es6 features
local storage and session storage usage
what is promise, its usage
implementing promise with exception handling
usage of async, await with promise
what is jQuery, its advantages
understanding the syntax of jQuery
creating the first program in jQuery
what is selectors, and its usage
compound CSS selectors
custom selectors
events implementation
effects like show or hide or toggle
call back functions in jQuery
animation effects
get and set contents
get and set attributes
inserting, removing contents
get and set classes
traversing ancestors and descendants
traversing siblings
what is ajax, usage
ajax load with contents
get and post methods
no conflict
React JS
what is ReactJS, features, advantages
setting up the NodeJS, to create the ReactJS projects
creating the ReactJS first project
understanding the flow of reactjs project
what is component and its types
different types of components: class and functional components
working with assets, static files like html, CSS, images, JavaScript’s in components
what is important props and how to use it
accessing the props into components or property binding
what is a state object
difference between the state and props
working with events, event handlers
different types of binding: one way and two way property binding
handling the user inputs from forms
what is routing, creating pages, separating components
creating routing to all pages
creating the simple crud operations
what is rest API, and accessing the data from the resource URL
what is Material UI, creating the simple program with Material UI
difference between bootstrap and Material UI
creating the simple form validation
what is an observable, subscribe
implementing the concept of observable and subscribe
what is webpack, babel and its usage
what is redux, understanding the flow of redux in react application
create the simple concept with redux using webpack, babel
what is saga and its use with redux
creating the simple concept with the combination of redux and saga
what is life cycle hooks and its importance in application
different types or stages of life cycle hooks
understanding the 3 phases of life cycle hooks: mounting, update and unmounting
creating the application with life cycle hooks
implementing rest ap with life cycle hooks
implementing life cycle hooks with functional components
implementing life cycle hooks with class components
what is styled components and creating the simple concept
what is context api and implementation
creating the application with protected routing
writing the unit test code to the components
creating the single page application with reactjs
