About This Course
If you’re looking for a complete course to learn the MERN stack, this course at Coursack is for you. Coursack’s full-stack developers and engineers will take you through a journey of MERN fundamentals, technologies, and their components with live experts. You will learn how to build dynamic web applications faster in the real world. and will discover what tools companies use to build their apps. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to create and deploy web applications using Node.js frameworks, Express.js and ExpressJS on the server side, with ReactJS and Redux on the front-end, as well as how to scale these applications for production environments. Our expert trainers will help you build your full-stack development skills using JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, and MongoDB technologies that are in demand in the market.
Web Full Stack MERN Training
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Course Features

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Learning Objectives
- Laptop with Good Internet Connection
Target Audience
- Both IT and Non-IT freshers/Graduates are eligible
- Working web developers looking to switch to React JS
Web Development
What is Web Development, What is MERN Stack
Introduction to Html
Html Elements, Attributes
Page Creation with Formatting Elements
Creating Links and Navigating, Redirecting Pages
Displaying the Images, Adjustment of Images along with Content
Organizing data with Tables
Displaying data in Listings
Creating Forms and Layouts with Fields and Input
Implementing the Semantic Elements (latest Html elements)
Working with Audio and Video (Media Objects)
Introduction to CSS
Implementing the Three Different ways of Styles: Inline, Embedded and External to Html Content
Applying the Web Colors to Html Content in Three Different ways: Direct Name, Numerical, and Hexa Decimal
Applying different properties like: padding, margin, float, font, border, background, etc.,
Applying the Display and Position properties, etc.,
Creating the Web Page with Content
Creating the Grid Layout with Sample Content with Responsive
Working with Media Queries
Introduction to Bootstrap, Usage, Advantages
Discussing about different types of Resolutions
Implementing the Bootstrap Required Links into Web Pages
Create the Fixed Width, Fluid Width Web Pages
Implementing the Components of Bootstrap
Tables, Lists, Forms, Images,
Modals, Tabs, Cards, Navigations
Java Script
Introduction about JavaScript, DOM etc?
Writing the Programs and Displaying the Data
Understanding about Keywords, Identifiers
Declarations: var, let, const
Implementing Statements: Decision Making Statements and Loop Statements
Working with Arrays and Implementing with Examples
Understanding the Concept of Functions: Call and Define, Functions with Parameters, Return Statement, Arrow Functions, Call Back Functions
Implementing the Object Oriented Programming in Javascript: What is Object, Class, Constructor, Method, Property etc., and its terminology
Creating the concept with Class and Object includes the Methods, Properties, and Accessing the Data
Prototype, Closures concepts implementation
Promise, and Async and Await concepts implementation
ECMAScript Introduction
Declarations of Identifiers with let & const
Working with Loops
Functions, Passing Parameters, Return Statement, Arrow Functions, Call Back Functions
Spread Operators
Map Object with Set and Get
Promise, Async and Await with Promise
React JS
ReactJS Introduction
Scope of ReactJS
What is ReactJS?
Understanding the Terminology of ReactJS
What is Single Page Application?
Understanding the ReactJS Architecture
Setting up the ReactJS Environment
Creating the First Project in ReactJS
Understanding the Project Folder & Files Structure
Working with assets – Html, CSS, Images, JavaScript’s in ReactJS
Understanding the Term: Component
What is Component?
Creating the new Component(s)
Accessing the Created Component(s)
Working with Re-Usable Component(s)
Understanding the Terms: ‘props’ and ‘state’
Working with ‘props’
Implementing the ‘props’ into Component(s)
Creating the ‘state’ object, setting the ‘properties’ into it
Accessing the ‘properties’ from ‘state’ object into Components
Working with Event Handlers ex., onClick, onHover, onBlur, onFocus, onChange etc
Creating the methods into Component(s)
Writing the definition(s) of the methods
Passing ‘parameters’ into methods
Understanding the concept of Property Binding
Two types of Property Binding., 1. One Way Property Binding and 2. Two Way Property Binding
Asking the User to input the value, accessing those value(s)
Creating the group of Component(s) and accessing those through ‘state’ object
Creating the CRUD operations
Understanding the concept of Routing
Creating the group of Component(s) and aligning them into Routing
Fetching the Data from RESTAPI into Component(s) and accessing the Data
Understanding and Working with Material UI (ReactJS UI Framework)
Creating the Button, Radio, Form, Table etc.,
Working with Form, Two – Way Property Binding
Creating the Validation with Error Hints
Applying the Regular Expressions to Input Fields
Working with the concept of Observables
Working with the concept of Services
Implementing the concept of Observables & Subscribe with Services
Implementing the concept of Observables & Subscribe with Services using RESTAPI
Understanding the Terms: babel, webpack
Understanding the concept of Redux
Understanding the Terms: Component, Action, Reducer, Data
Understanding and Implementing the concept of Redux
Understanding the Term: Sage
Implementing the functionality of Redux with Saga
Understanding the Terms: Life Cycle Hooks
What is the usage of Life Cycle Hooks
How many types of Life Cycle Hooks: 1. Class Based Life Cycle Hooks and 2. Functional Based Life Cycle Hooks
Understanding the Class Based Life Cycle Hooks and its methods: componentDidMount(), componentDidUpdate(), componentWillUnmount() etc
Understanding the Functional Based Life Cycly Hooks and its methods: useState(), useEffect(), useContext(), etc
Understanding the concept of Styled Components
Working with ReactJS Developer Tools
Implementing the concept of ContextAPI
Understand and Implementing the Unit Tests in ReactJS
Creating the Single Page Application in ReactJS
Introduction to NodeJS
What is NodeJS? Advantages of NodeJS
Traditional Web Server Model
NodeJS Process Model
Setup Dev., Environment
Install NodeJS on Windows, Mac and Linux
Working with REPL
NodeJS Console
NodeJS Modules
Module Types
Core Modules
Local Modules
Node Package Manager
What is NPM?
Installing Packages Locally
Adding Dependency in package.json
Installing packages globally
Updating packages
Creating Web Server
Creating Web Server
Handling Http Requests
Sending Requests
File System
Reading a File Asynchronously / Synchronously
Writing a File Asynchronously / Synchronously
Opening a File
Deleting a File
IO Operations
Debugging NodeJS Application
Core NodeJS Debugger
Debugging with Visual Studio Code
EventEmitter Class
Returning EventEmitter
Inhering Events
Express JS
Introduction to ExpressJs
Env., Setup of ExpressJs
Creating a Sample Program in ExpressJs
Creating a Static Routing & Dynamic Routing
Working with HTTP Methods
Creating the URL Building
Using Middleware Functions
Creating a Templating
Working with Static Files
Parsing Form Data
Parsing & Fetching & Connecting with Database
Cookies & Sessions
RestFul Api’s
Error Handling
Mongo DB
Introduction to Mongo DB
Differences between SQL vs NoSQL
Features & Advantages of Mongo DB
Installing Mongo DB along with Compass
Understanding the Terminology: Database, Collection, Document, etc
Commands in Mongo DB
Creating Database, Drop Database
Creating Collection, Drop Collection
Insert, Update, Delete the Documents
Writing Conditions while Retrieving, Updating the Documents
Data Aggregation
$match, $project, $group, $unwind, $sort, $limit, $set, $lookup
$count, $distinct
Working with Indexes, Types of Indexes
Implementing the Real Time Project using MERN Stack
