Basics of python
What is Python
Progress of Python
Success of Python
Programming Model of Python
Python Installation
Python Programming
Python download and Install
Basic Data Types
Control Structures
Advanced Data Types
Advanced Functions
File Operations
Browser handling
What is WebDriver?
WebDriver architecture
Working with various drivers
Locating elements
Identifying and Interacting with HTML Elements using WebDriver
WebDriver Commands
Browser Navigation Commands
Handling Web Elements
Web Element Commands
Find Elements Commands
Check Box & Radio buttons
Drop Down & Multiple Selects
Web Table Handling
Read text/values from Web Page
Enter values into elements/objects
implicit wait, explicit wait, wait
Handling Windows
Handling windows
How to handle multiple browsers or Tabs
Alerts and Frames
Simple, prompt and confirmation
Handling Frames
Mouse Events
Click, double Click, contectClick, dragAndDrop, clickAndHold, release
Keyboard Events
How to scroll page
Capture screenshot
JavaScript Executor
How to execute JavaScript
Behaviour Driven Development
Introduction to Behaviour Driven Development
Driving Implementation and Design from Scenarios
Creating an Application from Scratch using Scenarios
Crafting acceptance criteria for user stories
Writing executable examples for each criteria
Documenting Scenarios with Gherkin
Demo of BDD frameworks (Cucumber)
Hands-on of BDD frameworks (Cucumber)
Demo on jira
Integrating jira with zephyr
Selenium Framework
Selenium + GitHub + Jenkins